To my publications page in the Repub repository [updated until 2022]
Pruijt, H. (2024) Squatting, a SWOT analysis. The Elgar Handbook of Urban Social Movements. Edited by Anna Domaradzka and Pierre Hamel. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Pp. 185-198
Pruijt, H. (forthcoming) Urban squatting and the mobilizing effect of empty buildings. Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Urban Space and Politics, Vol II, Ecology, Social Participation and Marginalities, edited by Nikolina Bobic, Farzaneh Haghighi.
Pruijt, Hans. (2022) Empowerment in The Balance. In Georgios O. Tsobanoglou, & Aikaterini T. Kokkinou (Eds.) Sustaining Communities: Prospects And Challenges. Hauppauge, NY : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Pp. 3-18 open access
Roobol, C., Pruijt, H., Koster, F., & Leijten, F.R.M. (2021) Developmental proactivity and professional ability as older workers’ employability resources. A longitudinal study explaining career events. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management 16(2),64-88. Open Access
Upmeyer, B. and Pruijt H. (2021) The Magic of Squatting. Interview with Hans Pruijt. MONU, Volume 34 – Protest Urbanism pp. 70-77 Open Access[heavily edited interview]
Pruijt, H. (2020) City-Level Action in a City-Wide Urban Commons. Amsterdam, 1977-1983
Partecipazione e Conflitto, Volume 13 – Issue, 3 1324-1337 Open Access
Pruijt, H. (2019) Urban Movements. Ritzer, G, and Chris Rojek, C. (eds.),The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., DOI: 10.1002/9781405165518.wbeosu011.pub2
Pruijt, H.D. (2018). Kraken – The Netherlands. In Ledeneva, A. (ed.) The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality: Understanding Social and Cultural Complexity, Volume 2. London: UCL Press. 17-19 (pp. 17–19). doi:10.14324/111.9781787351899 Open Access
Pruijt, H. (2018) Kraken en privatisering van de woningnood. Een vergelijking tussen New York en Amsterdam. Trespass Journal 2(1) 52-70. Open Access
Pruijt, H. (2017). Squatting in the Netherlands : the social and political institutionalization of a movement. In F. Anders & A. Sedlmaier (Eds.), Public goods versus economic interests: global perspectives on the history of squatting (pp. 256-277). New York: Routledge. Open Access
Pruijt, H. (2017). Euro trash in Loïsada, New York. In: P. Mudu & S. Chattopadhyay (Eds.), Migration, Squatting and Radical Autonomy: Resistance and Destabilization of Racist Regulatory Policies and B/Ordering mechanisms (pp. 272-274). New York: Routledge. Open Access
Hans Pruijt (2015). Sihirli Anahtarin Gücü: Hollanda ve Amerika Birleşik. Devletleri’nde İşgalin Ölçeklenebilirliği. In: C. Cattaneo & M. A. Martínez (Eds.), Avrupa’da İşgal Hareketleri. Kapitalizme Karşı Alternatifler Olarak Gündelik Müşterekler ve Otonomi (pp. 141-172), Istanbul: Tekin Yayinevi.
Hans Pruijt (2014) The Power of the Magic Key. Scalability of squatting in the Netherlands and the US. In: C. Cattaneo & M. A. Martínez (Eds.), The Squatters’ Movement in Euope. Commons and Autonomy as Alternatives to Capitalism, London: Pluto Press, pp. 110-135. Open Access
Pruijt, H. & Roggeband, C. (2014) Autonomous and/or Institutionalized Social Movements? Conceptual Clarification and Illustrative Cases. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 55(2), 144 – 165.
open access journal
Pruijt, H. & Yerkes, M. (2014) Empowerment as Contested Terrain. Employability of the Dutch workforce. European Societies 16(1) 48-67. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2013) Culture Wars, Revanchism, Moral Panics and the Creative City. A Reconstruction of a Decline of Tolerant Public Policy: The Case of Dutch Anti-squatting Legislation. Urban Studies 50(6), 1114-1129. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2013) Employability, Empowerment and Employers, Between Debunking and Appreciating Action. Nine Cases from the ICT Sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(8), 1613-1628.
open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2013) The Logic of Urban Squatting International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(1), 19-45.
open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2013). Squatting in Europe. In: Squatting Europe Kollective (Eds.) Squatting in Europe. Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles (pp. 17-60), New York: Minor Compositions. full text
Martínez, M., Piazza, G. & Pruijt, H. (2013). Introduction. In: Squatting Europe Kollective (Eds.), Squatting in Europe. Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles (pp. 11-16), New York: Minor Compositions. full text
Pruijt, H. (2012) InterviewStreamliner, a Minimalist, Free, Open Source, Relational Approach to Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software. Social Science Computer Review (30)2, 248-253 open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2012) Le occupazioni in Europa. Partecipazione e Conflitto. 4(1) 19-44.
Pruijt, H. (2012). Employability and Empowerment in the ICT Industry. In: G. O. Tsobanoglu (Ed.), The Politics of Participation and Empowerment. Current Issues and Practices (pp. 176-191), Hildesheim: Verlag für Gesellschaftsarchitectur.
Pruijt, H. & Dérogée, P. (2012). Increasing employability. Conditions for success of an investment strategy. In: R. v. d. Veen, M. Yerkes & P. Achterberg (Eds.), The Transformation of Solidarity. Changing Risks and the Future of the Welfare State (pp. 91-114), Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press.
Pruijt, H. (2011) Het lot zelf in handen nemen. Empowerment in beweging. Kritiek, Jaarboek voor socialistische discussie en analyse 4, 61-74. open access
Yerkes, M. A., P. Dérogée & H. Pruijt (2011). Employability: lack of clarity, lack of protection. In: M. A. Yerkes, Transforming the Dutch welfare state: Social risks and corporatist reform (pp. 107 – 138), Bristol: The Policy Press.
Pruijt, H. and Dérogée, P. (2010) Employability and job security, friends or foes? The paradoxical reception of employacurity in the Netherlands. Socio-economic Review 8(3) 437-460. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2009) Kraken in Europa. Kritiek, Jaarboek voor socialistische discussie en analyse 2, Amsterdam: Aksant, pp. 78-107. open access
Hogsbro, K., Pruijt, H., Pokrovsky, N. & Tsobanoglou, G. (2009). Sociological Practice and the Socio-Technics of Governance. In: A. Denis and D. Kalekin-Fishman (Eds.), The ISA Handbook in Contemporary International Sociology. Conflict, Competition, Cooperation (pp. 42-57), London: Sage.
Pruijt, H. (2007). Urban Movements. In: Ritzer, G. (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (pp. 5115-5119), Malden: Blackwell. open access
Pruijt, H. (2006) Social Interaction with Computers: An Interpretation of Weizenbaum’s ELIZA and Her Heritage. Social Science Computer Review 24(4) 516-523. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2004) Squatters in the creative city: rejoinder to Justus Uitermark. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 28(3) 699-705. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2006). Neo-Tayloristic and anti-Tayloristic Models of Teamworking. In: P. Parreno & R. Thomas (Eds.), All Hawaii Entrées / Lunar Reggae (pp. 90-95), Milano: Edizioni Charta, Dublin: Irish Museum of Modern Art.
Pruijt, H. (2004). Okupar en Europa. In: M. Martínez Lopez & R. Adell (Eds.) ¿Dónde están las llaves? El movimiento okupa: prácticas y contextos sociales (pp. 35-60), Madrid: La Catarata.
Pruijt, H. (2004). The Impact of Citizens’ Protest on City Planning in Amsterdam. In: L. Deben, W. Salet & M. van Thoor (Eds.), Cultural Heritage and the Future of the Historic Inner City of Amsterdam (pp. 228-244), Amsterdam: Aksant. open access
Pruijt, H. (2003) Is the institutionalization of urban movements inevitable? A comparison of the opportunities for sustained squatting in New York City and Amsterdam International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 27(1) 133-157. open access journal
companion links
Pruijt, H. (2003) Teams between Neo-Taylorism and Anti-Taylorism. Economic and Industrial Democracy 24(1) 77-101. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2002) Social Capital and the Equalizing Potential of the Internet. Social Science Computer Review (20)2, 109-115. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2000) Repainting, modifying, smashing Taylorism Journal of Organizational Change Management 13(5) 439-451. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2000) Performance and quality of working life. Journal of Organizational Change Management 13(4) 389-400. open access <ahref=”http:”” 10.1108=”” 09534810010339077″=””>journal
Pruijt, H. (2000) Programming the Evolution of Cooperation. Social Science Computer Review 18(1), 77-81.
open access journal
Pruijt, H. (2000) “Internationale herstructurering, baanonzekerheid en werknemersparticipatie: een case uit de chemische industrie. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken. 16(2) 176-190. open access
Pruijt, H. (2000). Arbeid en macht: vooruit naar het verleden? Een scenario en zijn consequenties. In: P. B. Lehning (Ed.), De beleidsagenda 2000. Strijdpunten op het breukvlak van twee eeuwen (pp. 235-248), Bussum: Coutinho. open access
Pruijt, H. (1998). Multiple Personalities: the Case of Business Process Reengineering. Journal of Organizational Change Management 11(3): 260-268. open access journal
Pruijt, H. (1997) Job Design and Technology. Taylorism vs. Anti-Taylorism. London and New York: Routledge.
Pruijt, H. (1997). Social Capital, Computerization and the Internet: Implications for Work and Education. In: M. J. de Jong &A. C. Zijderveld (Eds.), The Gift Of Society (pp. 63-74), Nijkerk: Enzo Press.
Pruijt, H. (1996) The Fight Against Taylorism in Europe. Strategies, Achievements in Job Design and Technology, Setbacks, Obstacles, Chances for Upgrading Work. Rotterdam, Ph.D. dissertation Erasmus University open access
Pruijt, H. (1994). Speelruimte voor Organisatievernieuwers is Belangrijker dan een Ragfijn Ontwerp. In J. F. den Hertog & J. J. Ramondt (Eds.), Competente Vernieuwers. Een proeve van het TAO-programma (pp. 41-46), Maastricht: MERIT.
Pruijt, H. (1993) Database Management with dBase and SQL. A practical introduction. London: Chapman & Hall.
Pruijt, H. (1993) Database Management met dBase en SQL. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom.
Pruijt, H. (1992) Anti-Taylorisme in Zweden. Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie. 14(3) 12-36. open access
Pruijt, H. (1991). Relational Databases for Textual Data? In: Best, H., E. Mochmann & M. Thaller (Eds.), Computers in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Achievements of the 1980s. Prospects for the 1990s (pp. 418-422), München: K. G. Saur.
Pruijt, H. (1990). Informatietechnologie en de Kwaliteit van de Arbeid, een Spannende Verhouding? In: Kals, J.J. et al. (Eds.), Handboek CAD/CAM (pp. J6000-1–J6000-36), Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom.
Pruijt, H. (1989) Gegevens en Relaties. Een praktische Inleiding Database Management met dBase IV-SQL. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom.
Pruijt, H. (1985) Cityvorming gekraakt? Invloed van actiegroepen op de stedelijke planning in Amsterdam. Agora. 1(4) 4—5 open access
Pruijt, H. (2006) Book review of Francesco Garibaldo and Volker Telljohann (eds.), 2004, Globalisation, Company Strategies and Quality of Working Life in Europe, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 3-631-52519-2, Transfer (12)1, 107-110.